
I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream
for the times that I killed your dreams
for the times that I made your whole world rumble

for the times that I made you cry
for the times that I told you lies
for the times that I watched and let you stumble

it's too bad, but that's me
what goes around comes around, and you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife

I'm sorry for the times that I didn't come home
left you lyin' in that bed alone
was flyin' high in the sky when you needed my shoulder

you're like a stone hangin' round my neck, see
cut it loose before it breaks my back, see
I've gotta say what I feel before I grow older

I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways
you know I've tried but I'm still the same
I've got to do it my way

It's too bad, but hey, that's me
what goes around comes around, and you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time, no, that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife

It's too bad, but hey, that's me
what goes around comes around, and you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time, oh no, that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife.


Happy face! :D

Jag blir så glad då ni verkligen försöker förstöra mitt liv, ni kommer aldrig lyckas med det :D Men ni kan ju fortsätta om ni vill, är ju bara jag som får mer att skratta åt :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Tänk att livet är så fruktansvärt underbart :D tralalalaaaa!! 
PUSS på er alla mina underbara haters ;*


Längesen man skrev men får skylla på att jag haft fullt upp med att vara mamma och jobba :P
Så himla mycket som hänt i mitt liv så vet inte vart jag ska börja... För att göra ett långt inlägg kort så har jag ett underbart liv!!! Familj, vänner och jobbar häcken av mig :D
Delar med mig av lite bilder istället ;)

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